And what, pray tell, is this thing?
Well, it's a large-mouthed... hat. It's what I've been knitting for the past few days. I was looking on Knitty at the Winter 2008 patterns, and this one, of course, caught my eye.
I'm not yet sure who the Dead Fish Hat is for... Rob doesn't want it, and I'm not sure I do, either. I wish I'd stuck to my original color scheme, but I threw in the Karoake purple/brown/orange at the last minute to use it up. I wish I hadn't, it distorts the view for me. But, it's still pretty cool.
I've knick-named it the Half-Dozen Hat. Why? Because it's (1) a fish. It's made with (2) llama, (3) yak, (4) sheep, (5) alpaca and (6) goat. Or something, I can't remember all the animals, but of course, the yak and llama are the stars. Llama is white and blue; yak is plum and gray. Or think of this way: Yak is the caudal fin and caudal peduncle, while llama makes up the dorsal and pec fins.
Isn't it crazy weird? Just something I had to make, on a whim. I love it.
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