Every once in a blue moon, someone'll say something to me, or I'll read something, that makes me feel like doing this blog is the stupidest thing ever. And then I get out of the mood to do it for a day or more. I read a post on another blog about blogging pet peeves, and one of them was people who blog like I do, giving the daily rundown instead of just keeping a private journal somewhere, and then expect to get loyal followers and comments and stuff.
Well, I thought it over, and here's what:
I don't post this blog just to attract people to what I write, gain fans and receive a ton of comments. I have ten or twelve of you who read and comment, either on the blahg or via email, and that is enough for me. I really put myself out there when I do this thing, and truth be told, I don't really want the whole world in my business! I mean, sure, I leave the access open to everyone (most of the time), but this isn't some kind of megablog where I want 235 people every day telling me what I do wrong as a parent, wife, person. I'm thoroughly grateful to those of you who do read and give me feedback, and I absolutely love having you! (But if you lurk here frequently, )
Just kidding, I've had that forever and have been waiting for the right time to use it!
So I will reiterate, for those of you who have just joined me or who have forgotten or who bitch about bloggers like myself: I started this blahg because we don't really live near any of our family and most of our friends, since we're a military family. This blog serves as a way to keep in touch with them - at least the ones who like frequent updates and pictures. (Hi, Mom!) Anyone else who reads and has become my bloggy friend is just icing on the cake! (Hi Darci, Gloria, et al.!)
Anyway, I hope you'll stick around and continue to read, but if this isn't your cup of tea, I understand.
...We now return you to your regularly scheduled blahgging...
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