Oy. It's been a long day, and I'm tired. But for your sakes (hehe), I'll try and muddle through.
What sucks is, I slept right through my alarm, and we waaaay missed the bus this morning. And I had no van with which to carry the children to school. And Rob couldn't leave work to come and get them. So we had an unintended day off, which I don't intend to repeat anytime soon.
What doesn't suck is, I weighed in this morning, and I've hit the 50-pound mark today! Yippee!!! It'll be a long time before I reach another level this big, so I'm reveling in the feeling. I seriously can't believe I've lost fifty pounds, though, because I still can't see the difference. Where the heck did I lose it from?
I did a lot of knitting today, and now, as you probably could tell from the previous post, it's abundantly clear that I will run out of my good yarn. I have yet to find a source for more, so I'm going to have to do something drastic and finish with another completely different kind, I think. I have more of the same yarn, but in a totally incompatible colorway, so that's out. Suck.
My children were constantly hungry today, and I couldn't seem to feed them anything that would sate their little appetites. They had oatmeal, they had cheesy broccoli, they had yogurts, sunflower seeds, etc. but were all constantly whining they wanted more. A very odd phenomenon, for all three of them to be like that at once. I blame it on the beautifully warm weather we had today.
Nothing really notable about the daytime hours, except that after my shower, I decided we needed a group cuddle on the bed together. They were SO cranky and whiny, I thought we should hug it out. Once we were all lying down, Sophie sighed and said, "This sure is a big responsibility." Hee! The whining didn't cease, however, and the hungry-monsters persisted. So my dreams of all of us napping that way went down in flames.
We had a busy afternoon and evening. I had another Cookie pickup from our troop leader, and then had to hurry and get the girls dressed for dance class. It was at the very last minute that I remembered I needed to get Jack ready, too! Rob came home just in time, and off we took, only to realize that he'd forgotten his license plates. I did a quick 180 and was annoyed to find that not only did he not bring them, he hadn't even taken them off the truck yet! So I pissed and moaned while he removed them, and off we took again.
Rob carried Sophia into the dance studio, where she didn't want to leave the cute baby in the waiting room and actually go into class. Then the rest of us drove around the corner so I could deposit some cookie money, before heading back to drop off us girls at the studio.
Chloë and I sat, her dancing around and chatting everyone up, and me reading my Martha Stewart magazine (I got a free subscription that just started, woot!), while the boys went to run their errand. Rob had to turn in the Land Cruiser's license plates to the DMV so I can finally cancel the $%^ing insurance on the thing. Without doing that, bam! An automatic $500 fine. Can't risk that!
They still weren't back, so I sat and waited with Sophia while Chloë danced. She was just as full of excess energy as her big sister, running and tumbling all over the place, while I attempted to read. It wasn't to be, as one of the other moms (of whom I'm not particularly fond) kept chatting me up about her daughter (equally unfond). I'd lift up my mag to read, and she'd bust in on me again. Aack.
At last, with 10 minutes to go, the boys returned. Sophia wanted to stay outside and play while we waited. Rob dug around in the dirt with her for a few minutes, and then she was on her own. Her little bum got so dirty, but she wouldn't let me wipe it off.
I got notice last night that Jack's first soccer practice would be this night (yeah, thanks for the warning, pal), so here's Rob using Vanna's air compressor to blow up his ball. We were supposed to have a #3 soccer ball, and this is a #5, but maybe we'd have had the right thing with a little more notice!
It's hard to capture a baby laughing and tickle her at the same time! (And yes, she is almost four, but she is still my baby!)
Jack waited ever so patiently, though quietly excited, to get his shin guards on and get out onto the soccer field. Finally, his turn!
Practice was already in full swing by the time we got there. I told Coach Mel that we'd be late pretty much every week because of dance class. The soccer practice is nowhere near the studio, unfortunately - it's in BFE. Jack was quick to jump in with his giant-for-him ball. He got in line to kick toward the little goal stand and was eager to give it a go.
He just looked so cute out there, finally doing his own thing, that I took a bajillion pictures and will probably share them all with you! Rob berated me a million times about not putting shorts on him but honestly? I haven't taken the spring/summer clothes out yet, so too bad! He was fine. Really. And we have the soccer socks... somewhere. I'll find 'em for next week.
At last it was Jack's turn to make a goal, and I almost missed it because Sophie was bugging me! You can see the grin on his face, though, even from the back!
Yeah! Coach Mel helps him get it into the goal. Way to go, Buddy!
For the rest of the hour, they were far off down the field, so I couldn't really tell what they were supposed to be doing other than kicking the ball around. He looked great doing it, though - like a natural! I'm sure some of these boys have been playing soccer since they were four, but hopefully he'll catch up and be an old pro soon.
Sophia found a thistle and was very intrigued by it. She and her sister were very antsy throughout the practice. They're used to being the ones rehearsing and having Jack wait for them; now they've got to get used to the other way 'round!
My little Beckham
This is where the team was, across the field, for much of the practice. I used my zoom a lot. :D
Yeah, her undies stuck out of her suddenly-skimpy leotard the whole time. We kept trying to fix it, and she'd shrug it off saying, "Eh, that's okay!" I love her muscular legs and the fact that her hair keeps on growing! (I've probably said that a dozen times, but I'm so excited to be able to put it up again soon!)
This picture of Chloë discovering her own thistle is kind of so atrocious that it amuses me. Hence the inclusion.
This was supposed to be a picture of the tiny flower she was showing me, but I think it just captures Sophia so sweetly...
... and on and on he ran, not even noticing others falling in his wake.
Time for a team huddle. Jack's the little shorty on Coach Mel's left.
Sophia had to go potty soooo badly. So Rob took her around the school grounds, looking for somewhere to "go." The found nothing. She was in agony! We were right off the highway and not anywhere close to anything we knew, so she was SOL, the poor kid.
Coach Mel kept releasing the boys to get their water fixes. Jack would run over so proudly, swig his water, and then take to the field again. He's so big!
Soap finally tuckered out, and I snapped this picture of her in my arms. It's supposed to be vertical, but I love it this way. See? She is still a baby.
The highlight of the evening, for Chloë, was finding and bringing home this ladybug. She was too thrilled. Any other bug, and there'd be a screaming fest, but ladies are okay.
Finally, practice ended, and Coach handed out the kids' home and away t-shirts. Jack was excited to get his, and he kept asking us if he could play soccer again sometime. I don't think he realizes that this time, he gets to stay in it for the whole season! (When he was four, he was signed up, but the coach was an asshole, so we quit after one session.) He was such a happy kid on the field and afterward, and it pleased me deeply. It's great to finally have something for the little guy to do that's "his." (Although Chloë said she wanted to quit dance so she could play soccer, too. Um, I don't think so! Not in the middle of March, anyway!)
We rushed to go get some gas, since the 'empty' light was on and going ding-ding-ding. Then to the grocery store to pick up some side salads for me to take to Bunco. I'd have made hummus, but then I realized we'd be in the car for three-plus hours, and that didn't seem like such a good idear.
I drove to Bunco then, and carried in my case+ of cookies to deliver to the ladies there, the money box in case they needed change (they didn't, of course), the food, and my purse. The fam dropped me off and went home to change clothes and pee before heading out to dinner at IHOP. *sniff* without me, but alas, there's probably not a whole lot I could eat there anymore, anyway!
Bunco was really super fun tonight. I was happy to share my fifty-pound-loss news and was in a really good mood after our fun evening together as a family. I felt "on" and was really silly, making lots of jokes that had us laughing. We all were. It was a good time, good time. And I got the last Bunco, so I got the prize for holding the Bunco Clip at the end. I chose a copper vase/bowl thing, because I lurve copper. One woman called it a "spittoon," which amused me, so when I won I requested the copper spittoon. I told them all to christen it so I could take it home to Rob to drink, and we cracked up.
The only thing missing was Stephanie. You missed a great night, yo!
Well, it's getting late, and I need to get my half-hour of Wii in! Good-night, my babies!
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