In the morning, Sophia-the-birthday-girl received a phone call from Geoffrey of Toys 'R Us fame. She listened intently for a while, laughing and talking back, saying "Thank you!" When she started saying, "Huh? What are you talking about?!" I knew she was finished.
It was a pretty chill day. Rob was off of work, and we had no great running around to do. We were supposed to plant her Crape (or is it Crepe? I've seen both) Myrtle Hopi tree, but Rob decided we should get the things on the tag (nutrients and such) first, so that will have to wait. She's very curious about why her tree is still in the van, and I have to say, I agree. I'd feel much more comfortable if he'd put it outside where it belongs! I guess I could do it, but I'm lazy.
Yup. The cake broke. It's my own fault. I made it and put it in the oven, and then I left it in Rob's hands to take out when it was finished while I ran and did three Food Lion mystery shops. (Hey, I got nearly $40 in free groceries for doing it, so it's good.) He did a swell job, but when I got home, I decided to too-quickly dump out the cake and level the bottom. I covered and flipped, and when I removed the plate, boom, it all fell apart. Sadness!!
I didn't have any more cake mixes, and I wasn't inclined to either make one from scratch or run back to the store, so that's what we had to work with. Sophia was actually happy with it. "Now we have two cakes!" She's the glass-half-full type, for sure. She didn't mind a bit, never fretted, never complained. Thank you, Little Baby Girl, for making it easier on me.
After the big Cake Break of 2009, my heart just wasn't in it anymore. She changed her mind and wanted it all different colors, which could have meant seven different cake decorating bags. I decided not to waste quite that many on a broken cake, so that's why some of the colors are swirly. Sophia, in turn, liked that, too. I'm so happy she's four and not a perfectionist like her mother and sister! Yay for not being another Virgo in the house.
Sophie picked out the little happy star candles herself. They'll last forever.
Makin' a wish and blowin' 'em out. Actually, I don't think she made a wish; she didn't hesitate at all after the cake was put down in front of her. So I'll make a wish, that she lives a long, healthy, happy life.
Utter deliciousness, thought she of the multi-colored lemon cake. The others agreed. I can't give you my opinion on it. Boohoo.
Present time! This card from Grandpa Al kept shouting "Happy Birthday!" to her when she opened it. She loved that and kept opening it for hours afterward.
Jack, who'd just received such a package from Grandma a few weeks ago for his sixth birthday, was a little concerned that this one was actually for him and not Sophia. We had to reassure him several times that this one was really for her.
There were three leis in the package. Sophia immediately decided they were for her, Mom and Dad. We tried to get her to share them with her sibs, but no. Mom and Dad!
Soapadilla received four books from Grandma, and Chloë read them to her all evening after that. She enjoyed that immensely but still, "why is my tree in the car?!!"
{As for Tuesday, I have nothing to write home about. There was cleaning, kvetching, sniffling, complaining, napping, whining, and more cleaning. Whoop-de-doo.}
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