Today was one of those rare rough days in motherhood when you feel like you want to give them all back. Or away.
I almost never say this about my children, and I don't allow anyone else to use the term either, but today they were straight up bad. All day. Not just naughty. Not just mischievous. BAD.
There was a lot of yelling on my part at one point. Well, as much as I could do with little voice. I hate to yell, I really do. I hate to be angry at them. When they were all crying, I wanted to hug them. But I was so, so, so mad at them! So mad.
I really couldn't believe it. Don't know what got into them today! Especially Chloë. She should really know better.
We did manage to bake Easter sugar cookies today, but I didn't let them frost them yet, and I certainly didn't let them eat any. I haven't decided whether to let them color them tomorrow or just to do it them myself. I don't know. I'm still pretty mad!
When Rob came home from work and then again from the Marine Corps mystery shop I sent him out for, I gave up. I threw in the towel. We canceled/rescheduled the other two shops we had scheduled for tonight, and I went straight down for a nap. They exhausted me. He took over, and I was ever-so-grateful.
I slept from about for about four hours, waking up after 2300. Just in time to check over my grocery list for the absolute must-haves and run to the grocery store. Oh, how it thrilled me to go shopping just before midnight when the store closed and have to deal with surly cashiers, pushy stockmen, and cartons in all the aisles.
I did manage to save $30 on my smallish (for us) order, however. And I got seven free cartons of a dozen eggs, and three free gallons of milk. And a ham for two bucks. Go moi!
So now I'm chilling and trying to plan our weekend. I have a lot to try to cram in for tomorrow. What's at the forefront of my mind, though, is Jack's eye exam. I'm eager to see whether he'll need glasses. If so, we'll need to find a super-dee-duper indestructible pair!
And that's a wrap.
P.S. I was shocked to find on Wikipedia (the source of all true information, yes?) last night, the winner of the current Celebrity Apprentice listed. My mouth was agape for at least five full minutes! I was so pissed, not wanting to find a spoiler. So be forewarned, I know the winnah! (Supposedly.)
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