Just a few things, a few photos...
Sophie has this permanent red mark on her upper lid from constantly stealing sips of my Crystal Light fruit punch. She loves the stuff. Now her mustache is stained.
Bounce is about 15 months old now. Look how big he's gotten! He's still the cutest, sweetest little buns ever. Still unneutered, as you can see from those big, intact bunny balls! Hehe. We gave him lots of love and cuddles last night. He eats that up.
This morning, I woke up with the definite symptoms of a UTI. I've been in pain all day. Couldn't get into the doc until tomorrow, though, so here I sit and suffer. *whimper*
The kids still have not cleaned their rooms, despite being stuck in there all day yesterday and today to do it. I do not know what to do to make them clean, other than sit in there with them the whole time and yell, which I do not want to do. If you have some sort of magic, please, let's hear it.
For lunch, we went out and did a Denny's shop, and for dinner, we went to Hooters. Hooters was much better. More fun, etc. I barely ate anything at either place. Not exactly weight-loss friendly, y'know? To make up for it, I am downing the protein drinks. Tomorrow's another weigh-in, and I'm worried about it!
The Bob spent the day working on his truck. Seems like every time he comes in to talk to me, there's another special part he needs to buy. Argh. But whatcha gonna do? I'm starting to seriously regret saying he could keep the thing, just to keep our car insurance lower. You can't win for losing, around here! Oh, but it rained all day, so he was not in the best of spirits as he had to keep coming in from the rain, when the plan was to work straight through the weekend and get it road-worthy. He did call us out to view this beautiful rainbow, though!
Yep, he was a dirty boy today. In more ways than one...
So Dad/Al/Grandpa comes in tomorrow noonish, and hopefully he'll help Rob outside with the truck. That's the plan, anyhow, while the kids and I go mystery shopping all about town. I've cleaned as much of the downstairs as I'm gonna, but I need to change the sheets on our bed and vacuum our room before his arrival. We're going to take the couch and let him sleep there. Not such a big sacrifice, since we spend most nights there still, anyway.
What's going on with your weekend?
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