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01. Real First Name: Melanie
02. Birthday: 9.8.76 - really!
03. Where do you live? Virginia
04: What are you working as? Mostly, I'm a stay-home mom. I also sub-teach on occasion, and I run our charity, CARE Package, Inc.
05. What makes you happy? I'm happy when the people I love are happy. I'm happy when I'm at the beach, and the waves are high - but not too high - and the sun is beating down hard - but not too hard. Perfect.
06. What are you listening to now/have listened to last? Myself, singing "When We're Human" from The Princess and The Frog
07. What is particularly good/bad about your blog? Well, I've been told that my blog is boring and insipid by one cranky lady. haha! But, this blahg was never intended for entertainment and amusement. It was simply started to keep our far-flung family and friends apprised of our family's doings as the children grow up. And I think we're doing that, at least when I'm not being neglectful like I have been lately!
08. An interesting fact about you: I like to stick a pen cap in my ear and tickle the inside, and then scratch it. Weird and a little gross, I know.
09. Are you in love at the moment? I am madly in love with my husband, Rob!
10. Favorite place to be: Anywhere with Rob & the kiddos, as long as it's warm!
11. Favorite lyric: Pass. I can't pick those kinds of favorites.
12. Best time of the year: Summer. I LOVE SUMMER!!!
13. Weirdest food you like: Hmm... I don't know that I like anything weird. I absolutely adore hummus.
01. A film: The Princess and the Frog
02. A book: Anything by Jodi Picoult (thanks for sending her my way, Mom!)
03. A song: "When We're Human," sung by Louis the alligator, Prince Naveen, and Tiana, is my current obsession.
04: A band: Vampire Weekend
01. One thing you like about a blogger that you have not met: Gloria and I are so much alike. She's like the Spanish-speaking version of me! (Oh, wait, that comes off sounding kind of arrogant. I didn't mean it like that, just that I love her bubbly, fun personality and we get along so well!)
02. Two things you like about yourself: My spontaneity and my eyes
03. Name three things that you need in a lover: A sense of humor, high intelligence, and a sense of adventure!
Have a great week, y'all Stealers!
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