I'm doing this to procrastinate, even though it's a week late. Take that! Link up here.
1. Have you ever been to a fortune teller? If yes, what happened?
No, I never have, although I've thought about it before. I don't think I'd ever actually do it, though, because it's pretty much frowned upon as a Christian. I've always wanted to 'talk' to my mom through a medium, though.
2. How do you cope in an uncomfortable social situation?
I blush a lot, and sometimes I get panicky. I can be quite shy. I've come out of my shell more and more over the years, as I put myself in situations that require me to interact with strangers, but I still get queasy and nervous. I even get that sick feeling right before our Daisy Girl Scout meetings, every single time! Why am I afraid? They're 5 & 6, FPS!
3. A genie appears (of course). She asks, “If you had 3 wishes but each took 3 years off your life, what would you wish for and why?”
It depends. How long was my life to begin with? If it was 100 or so, fine, but if it was 40, I'd probably ask if they were transferable.
4. Would you rather lose your soul mate or never meet them at all?
Oh, gosh. Either one would be way sucky. I guess lose. I don't believe that there is only ONE right person for everybody out there in the world. I believe there are many; you just end up with the one who was right at the time (or there). But never to have met him at all? How sad for me that would be.
5. What is the hardest thing that you have ever had to do?
Agree to take my son off life support and hold him while he breathed his last.
6. Have you ever had a miracle happen to you or your loved ones?
I wish I could say that I had, but... see #5.
7. Tell us about a quote that you can relate to. Why can you relate with it?
I can't even think of anything right now. Well, except this one that my son Jack always came home quoting from his kindergarten teacher: "You get what you get, and you don't throw a fit!" Boy, can I relate to that one. I use it regularly with my crew (both my kids and my Daisies!)
8. What personality trait has gotten you into the most trouble?
Impulsiveness. I'm a speak/act now, think later kind of girl.
9. For those in The States, how was your Turkey Day? If not from the US, do you celebrate a day like Thanksgiving?
It was fine. I slept a lot that day. Hubs cooked dinner. I ate about three bites and was full. That part of my surgery sucks balls on a holiday like Thanksgiving!.
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