Link up here to play along today!
41. Who was the last person you went shopping with?
My husband and the kids, for groceries. Exciting times.
42. What is something you need to go shopping for?
Paint - that kind that covers up the kids' scribbling all over the walls. :|
43. Do you have the same first name as one of your relatives?
Nope. But I had the same first name as two other people at a baby shower I attended yesterday, which is unusual.
44. What kind of car do (did) your parents drive?
My dad drove a mint-condition 1971 Dodge Challenger convertible for a while, until he sold it for, well, a mint. I really don't remember what he's got now, although I know another convertible is in the collection. I want one, too! As for my mom, her last car was a Fuego. It was red, and it sucked. Have you ever even heard of a Fuego? (That would have been in 1984.)
45. Are you rich?
Very much so, in the my-family-rocks kind of way. Definitely not in the financial realm!
46. If you could spend one intimate night with a celebrity, no questions asked, never to see them again, who would it be?
Eric Clapton
48. What famous person do you look like? Feel free to use this facial match program by clicking here. Show us at least the celeb photo.
I've been told Molly Ringwald on many occasions.
49. What is the most daring thing you've done recently?
Chopped off almost ALL my hair, on a whim! It was my Britney Spears moment. :P
50. Say you were given a pregnancy test right now. Would you pass or fail?
There is no pass/fail with a pregnancy test, is there?! But no, I wouldn't be preggers. Zero chance of that.
51. Which sex scandal of the last decade bothers you the most?
None. Really? It's their business, not mine.
52. Do you know anyone in jail/prison?
Nope. Sorry to disappoint you.
53. What are your plans (or what have you done) for this weekend?
Right now I'm taking a break from deep cleaning the house. Yesterday, I went to a so-fun baby shower. Later, I'll get a shower of my own, I hope. It's hot.
54. Have you ever woken up and not known where you were?
Yes! That happens to me quite frequently, actually. It's very disturbing to me, temporarily at least.
55. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Snoozing, hard.
56. Last restaurant you went to?
Sonic. Five different ones in one night. I could explain, but I shan't.
57. How many hours did you sleep for last night?
Like a dozen, maybe.
58. Which is more distracting: Sexting while driving or sex while driving?
I don't do either one, thanks, and neither should you. Seriously, there are children on the road with you people!
59. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?
Yes, my kids are thinking, "I wonder if mom realizes we're playing with the kitties instead of cleaning right now..." I'm sure of it. (And yes, I realize. The kitties are quite vocal about it.)
60. Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle?
Of course I have. Lotsa times.
Have a great week, thieves!
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