2. What is something that you are disappointed about right now?
A friend called me out on something, a particular personality flaw of mine, and I disagreed with her... but upon further reflection, I've realized she's right.
3. What are you really anticipating right now?
Payday! (What else is new?)
4. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie? What is it?
It's been a long time since I've seen either Grease or Dirty Dancing, my two favorites, I think... but I did watch the original Karate Kid within the past few months, and that's on the top 10 list.
5. If you could bring one person back from the dead, who would it be?
My son, my baby boy, my living son's identical twin, my angel...
6. Who was the last person you hung up on?
My father. I'll probably never, ever speak to him again. Jerk.
7. Does it bother you when meme makers separate questions that could've been combined?
It's not something I've ever even thought about, so no.
8. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
Elephants. They're my favorite land animal.
9. What is the food you always buy at the grocery store that you can't live without?
Well, I don't always buy them, but I always look yearningly at the hummus and Wholly Guacamole, if they aren't on my rigidly-stuck-to lists.
See you on the next post, peeps!
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