Yep, I'm late again - but link up here if you're late, too, 'kay?
1. Do you know the lyrics to The Brady Bunch theme song?
Of course! Who doesn't??
2. Do you have any step-relations like the Bradys?
Um. Heh. Well, yes. I grew up with a wicked stepmother and two stepsisters (Cinderella story, much?)... and now they're gone, gone, gone out of my life. Whoop!
3. Did you have a major pre-teen crush? Who was it?
Oh, come on. I grew up in the 80s. Of course it was this guy:
4. Which TV character do you wish lived next door?
Hmm... I would have to say... Fonzie! Because, hello, the Fonz! What's not to love? Heyyyy...
5. It's a sunshine day. Describe your sunglasses.
Big. Brownish. Um, a little bedazzled. And did I mention big?
6. How do you spend a 90-minute flight - napping, reading, looking out the window...?
If I can't knit, then probably all of the above at some point!
7. Do you have a favorite brand of toothpaste?
I like Colgate, but that's mainly because it's not Crest (ie, of the evil Proctor & Gamble empire). So, no, not really.
8. How many keys are on your key ring?
House key, old house key, car key. Three.
9. What do you miss about summertime?
Shorts. Flip-flops. Warmth. Sun. Beach. Swimming. All of it!!
Well, that takes care of that. I think I'll do Sunday Stealing another time. Just not feelin' it right now. :\
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