Since Thanksgiving was this past Thursday, and I'm a delinquent blahgess, I'll just have to make a thankful post today. So, I'm six days late. You'll forgive me, and I'll thank you for that.
This palm frond came off one of our nearby trees during that awful storm I mentioned in the previous post about going down to Key West. I put Chloë in the picture so you could get an idea of how big the leaf is. They're huge, generally, and they slough off and crash down on whatever happens to be under there. I'm thankful, then, that it just landed on the sidewalk and not on one of my kiddos' heads! Not only are they big, but they're heavy and pointy-sharp, too.
This photo represents multi-part gratitude:
See Sophia in the middle, there? I'm thankful for my family. My children and husband are my world. I'm thankful for our extended family, too, and for my extensive support network of friends both online and off.
I'm thankful for work! Since I stopped mystery shopping so abruptly, we've been home a lot more. I mean, duh. But I've got a restless soul. I like to be busy-busy, going and doing and seeing all the time. Drives my father crazy, but that's the way I was built, so too bad. Now that I'm back in shop mode, we're going and doing and seeing again. I love it. LOVE it. There are plenty of assignments in our area, as you might expect, so I'm having to turn down requests left and right. (I think my schedulers are glad I'm back, too!)
And finally, I'm so very thankful that Rob's VA disability claim has been processed and we're now getting way more money in than his retirement pay. These last few months were exctremely excruciating, financially, and we can definitely relax now. Whew, whew, whew!
Rob and I usually share the Thanksgiving cooking duties, but I was not feeling well at all the whole day Thursday. Rob, then, took it upon himself to make our entire meal with nary a complaint. I felt terribly grateful for that. I love to cook the meal with him, so I was a little disappointed, but everything was delicious. We had a nice repast. Thanks, Bobby! ♥
So I'm not really thankful for alcohol, but we did have wine with our meal, and I did take a picture. It must be added, therefore, am I right? Actually, neither of us drank the wine. I had to leave the table early and lie down again, as I spent most of that day horizontal, and Rob also went to bed before having a single sip of his wine. So I'll say, I am thankful that it was left, untouched, at the table when I got up hours later. None of the kids touched them. Whew!
I know I already mentioned that I'm thankful for my family, but I love taking sleepy photos of my babies, so I'll just have to asy it again: I'm thankful for Rob and the kids! They are my life, my world, my everything.
In the very late evening, maybe around 2300 PM, the pain and discomfort I'd been feeling the entire day finally subsided. I got up to make a pie and felt fine, completely fine. I was grateful for that, and I was also grateful that Rob didn't mind a bit that we didn't have pie for Thanksgiving. He rarely complains, honestly, unlike myself!
While the pumpkin pie was cooling, first Sophia and then everyone else woke up to have a piece. I make pumpkin pie every single year, at least once, and every single year, I have always left out at least one ingredient. For some strange reason, this year I got it right! I'm glad for that and grateful for pie!
There have been innumerable blessings received by our family over the past year, and they are too many to count and list here. I couldn't possibly try. I'm thankful for all of them, and for each and every one of you reading this post.
Happy holidays!!
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