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Saturday 9: Susan
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1) In this song, our hero tells Susan that "no other girl could ever take the place of you." Crazy Sam feels that no other earmuffs could ever take the place of the ones she left in restaurant coat room last month. Tell us about something you recently broke, lost or misplaced.
I was frying an egg in olive oil, and I had my iPhone next to the stove to listen to music. Well, I ended up spilling hot oil all over the phone, and now I can't hear anyone who calls me. Not cool, Self! (This was days ago, and the 'rice trick' didn't work. :/ )
2) When this song was first released back in 1968, the name Susan was very popular. According the Social Security Administration, it was one of the top 10 baby girl names of the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. Today it's not even in the top 100. Do you know anyone named Susan (or Suzanne)?
I do, but I don't think I have any Sue-ish friends on Facebook!
3) The Buckinghams were Chicago's attempt to get in on The British Invasion begun by the Beatles. (Hence the silly suits.) But they took their name from Chicago's famous Buckingham Fountain. If Crazy Sam visited your neighborhood, what local site would you recommend she check out?
We have yet to go ourselves, but I plan to take the kids to the Coral Castle right down the road from us soon. A man built his paradise for the unrequited love of his life. It's a pretty amazing story.
4) Chicago is known for deep dish pizza. Describe your dream pizza. (Calories, carbs and gluten need not be a factor because it's dream pizza!)
There's a local pizzeria in Leonia, New Jersey, where the pizza can't be beat. It's a traditional New York-style thin crust, that you fold in half, and nothing is better than a fresh, hot slice of cheese pizza from there. If you've ever been to a Manhattan-area pizzeria, you'll know that it defies further description without being personally tasted!
5) The Buckinghams got their big break by winning a local "battle of the bands." Do you often go to concerts or bars to listen to live music?
I haven't been to a concert in a couple years, but I adore it. I'm good with anything from a major-venue, mainstream artist to a local band playing for free at the park... Actually, if that counts, then yes ,I've heard a lot of live salsa and merengue since we've lived here!
6) The best-selling book in 1968 (the year "Susan" was released) was Airport by Arthur Hailey. It was set during a snowstorm at Lincoln International, a fictional airport based on Chicago's O'Hare. What's the most recent airport you flew to? Why were you there?
We flew from New York City's JFK International into Barcelona and back for our European cruise in 2008. I don't think I've flown since then, but we have maybe three different flying trips planned for this calendar year: back to Virginia to visit our friends there, to Central New York for my 20th high school reunion (!!!),and to Central Missouri for a visit to Hubs' family.
7) Bears, Blackhawks, Bulls, Cubs, Sox ... Chicago is a big sports town. What's your favorite pro team?
Now that we don't have any TV service at all, I don't really follow any major league sports. I do, however, take every opportunity to root for my alma mater. Go 'Canes!
8) Thinking of sports, did you watch the Olympics? If yes, which events?
I did not, because no TV, but the Olympics are one of the few reasons I would consider re-suscribing to a service! I adore watching the Games, normally.
9) Do you consider yourself an idealist or a pragmatist?
Oh, I have my rose-colored glasses firmly planted on my head at all times! ;)
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