Link is here. Go to it. That's a direct order from HQ.
Let's go!!!
Fifteen Meme
What was your first job like?
Har. That's funny... I was a cashier at a small-town grocery store in Central NY. I LOVED that job, I loved my customers, and I loved having another escape from my sucky home life! ;)
It’s a typical Sunday, how are you spending it?
On the 7th day, I rests!
What was the happiest day of your life?
Picture it: On December 29th, 2000, Rob and I went down to the courthouse, via bus because we didn't have a vehicle, to get our marriage certificate. We had to wait two days to get married, and of course the courthouse was closed on New Year's Day - even for the eager-to-marry. So, we decided to get married on January 2nd, 2001. I had to work all day, but when my bosses at the law firm found out I was planning on leaving early to elope, they let me go at 4 PM. I took the bus to central park, and Rob took another bus from my apartment to meet me there. We ended up arriving around 4:30-4:45 and found each other after a furious search - with no cell phones, I might add. Finally, we found each other and, with moments to spare, we ran, hand in hand and laughing giddily all the way, to the courthouse to get married. I remember the actual ceremony in front of the Justice of the Peace, of course, but that laughing and running? Best high of my life!
What was the best decision you ever made?
Didn'tcha read the last answer?! Marrying Rob two months after I met him was, without a doubt, the smartest, most clear-headed thinking I've ever demonstrated. Yup.
Tell your go-to “pretend” game as a child (who was your alter-ego?)
My sister, her BFF Heather, and I used to play our Peter and the Wolf recording and act out the various parts ourselves. It was great fun! We did other skits, too, but Peter was our favorite.
What email service do you use?
#1: Gmail. Seriously, no, I can't stand it. I'm a Yahoo! girl.
What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of?
Seriously?! What am I, 15?
Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick)
This. Or really, whatever is handy, but I'm always embalming my lips.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet?
Personally, just my iPhone 5 (♥) and this-here craptastic desktop, but we also have Rob's iPhone 4 (♥), his Toughbook, and each of the three kiddos' Kindle Fires. So what's that, seven?
Last strong smell you can remember smelling?
'Nuff said. (It's been done, chill.)
If you had to move your birthday to another date, which one would you choose and why?
I wouldn't. Even though NO ONE can remember it, they should: It's 9/8/76. Reallly, is that so hard?!
Inspiration behind your blog title?
My name is Melanie Ann. My dad calls me Mellie-Ann. My sister, who is only 17 months older, called me "Smellyann" one time in middle school as a ha-ha joke. Only, the joke was on her, 'cause I liked it!
If you could spend a rainy day with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why?
Rain, snow, sleet, sun, hail... I'm with this guy!
Is there a foreign culture that you love?
All of the above!
Do you have a favorite soft drink?
It's a tie between Diet Coke and Diet Mt. Dew, but I'm trying to quit. And really, what the heck do the words "soft drink" mean, anyway?!
Listen up, y'all - have a ball this week!
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