So, I've been taking a long blahggy break while we work through Rob's brain surgery on the 5th of February, along with a mountain of complications from that and, really, the radiation surgeries he had last summer... But, I'm eager to jump back back in the game. What better way to get started than Saturday 9? Link is here if you want to play along with us!
"The Unicorn" was selected because Monday is St. Patrick's Day. Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1) This song was recorded by The Irish Rovers. While it's said that on St. Patrick's Day everyone is Irish, can you honestly claim Irish heritage?
Nope, I can't claim even a morsel of it, though I'm about a sixth English... close enough, right? No, though, I have never felt any kind of Irish identity, even on St. Patty's Day. I've never even had green beer!
2) According to the 2000 Census, Massachusetts is the state with the largest percentage of residents of Irish descent. Have you ever been to The Bay State?
I have been to Boston with my mother, via train from NYC, but I was 5 or 6 then. I don't remember it at all and would love to re-visit it as an adult!
3) Other than St. Patrick, what is Ireland famous for?
The Potato Famine. Castles. Sheep and pastures. Beautiful land. Wonderful people. And pubs. Am I close?
4) St. Patrick's Day is celebrated the world over. They even watch marching bands and wave Irish flags on St. Patrick's Day in Moscow. Does your town have a St. Patrick's Day parade?
I really don't know, but I can tell you one thing: I was out last night, and Miami sure knows how to do St. Patrick's Day sobriety checkpoints! Holy cannoli, I saw about a bajillion police officers - and their cars - last night. Thankfully, I passed through easily.
5) "The wearing o' the green" is one way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day. Will you wear something green in honor of the day?
Yeah, I will probably do that much, but that'll be it.
6) Have you ever had green beer?
I must be psychic. Nope, I never have, but I would if I liked beer. Can't stand it.
7) Have you ever ordered a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's?
They just don't sound good to me, and nowadays, since my gastric bypass surgery 5 years ago, they would make me sooo sick. So, nope to that, too!
8) A four-leaf clover is considered good luck. Do you have a lucky charm?
No, but I'm not superstitious at all. In fact, I have walked under ladders and opened umbrellas indoors. Cray-cray!
9) Speaking of Lucky Charms, they are magically delicious. What brand of cereal is in your kitchen right now?
I can't eat cereal either, but I believe we have a lot of Cheerios and Kashi. Maybe some Raisin Bran?
* * * * *
And now, a bonus Sat9 from last week, because you love me so much and can't wait to read more, right?
Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.
1) Spring, summer, fall or winter: which season do you consider most wonderful?
I'm loving our eternal summertime here in Miami-Dade, close to the Florida Keys! When we went up to Virginia's cold and snow last week, I confess, I was miserable and eager to get back home. Here's where we belong.
2) Crazy Sam learned this song when she played flute in the high school orchestra. Did you participate in many after-school activities?
I was in Drama Club, Choir, and active in the Honor Society. Sometimes I helped out with the school musicals, but behind the scenes as I was terrified to have to audition. I can't remember if anything else; I was active mostly in my studies! And I had a job or three. I worked my buttooki off in school.
3) The flautist next to her in the orchestra was Jeanne Pepitone. After a little Facebook spying, Sam learned that Jeanne is now Jeanne Moran, a nurse with a husband and a daughter. Sam shot her a "friend request." Do you keep up with your high school classmates?
I do, yes, and have a large group of Facebook friends from my high school years. I can't wait to go up to Central NY this summer for my 20th reunion and see so many of them!
4) When she performed with the school orchestra, Sam was required to wear gray slacks and a black sweater. What are you wearing right now, as you answer these questions?
I had to wear black pants or skirt and a white top for choir performances. Always hated that, but we looked good as a group. Anyway, right now I'm wearing a turquoise skirt and a hot pink shirt. I don't shy away from color!
5) Sam was especially dedicated to the school orchestra because she had a crush on Mr. Hanley, the school's musical director. He was the dark/thin/sensitive type. Tell us about a teacher you remember, and why he or she stands out.
I have several, but I'll talk about my favorite Spanish teacher, Joanne O'Toole. She and I are still friends and keep in touch; hopefully, I'll get to see her this summer as well. I'll have to use my Spanish with her, as it was always the rule that you spoke that language whenver you were in her presence! I use it frequently here in Miami, anyway, so hopefully she won't be too disappointed with me. She has spent a lot of time in both Spain and Latin American countries, so her command of that language is impeccable. Aside from that, she's just a beautiful person, both inside and out.
6) Because Sam was so crazy about Mr. Hanley, she was desperate to attend his band camp. Her parents wouldn't allow it unless she could pay her own way, and so she didn't get to go. Were your parents strict or permissive? If you have children yourself, what's your parenting style?
My parents were abusive. My dad was authoritarian, and my stepmother was just psycho. I don't don't think that's an official parenting style, but you get my drift, right? My mother, God rest her soul, would have been an amazing parent and would have raised well-rounded, happy girls if she had lived. I try very hard to be Authoritative, neither too permissive nor too strict. My children are everything to me, and I want to do my best by them.
7) Sam liked Fridays because her favorite food, fried rice, was served in the school cafeteria. When you eat Chinese food, do you use chopsticks or a fork?
We never had Chinese in the cafeteria; that's pretty cool. Hubs and I always use chopsticks when we eat any Asian cuisine, but the kids haven't mastered them yet!
8) When Sam was a little girl, a new box of Crayolas could get her pulse racing. Now she loves her Sharpies. Do you enjoy shopping for school/office supplies?
Oh yes, I love, love, love new school and office supplies. There's nothing better, haha! I still get giddy.
9) Do you have any plush toys? Or did you give them all up when you left childhood?
No, I have a huge teddy bear that Hubs gave me when he proposed; I sleep with it every night and find it difficult to go without him! My kids, too, have far too many softies but always want more... And I'm a little indulgent when it comes to that, because I loved them sooo much myself as a kid.
Thanks for stopping by!
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