I took a bit of a bloggy break, but for the time being at least, I'm back. So here is last week's Saturday 9 entry, because I like doing it and there you go:
If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.
1) This song begins with the story of a man who moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a comic. What comedian always makes you laugh?
Steven Wright is hilarious. Hubs and I saw him perform once. It was, as expected, pretty damn great.
2) The lyrics say, "You don't need to worry about me 'cause I'm alright." Tell us about a time when you had to reassure your family or friends.
Pretty much every month, if not more often, because I have this wonderful hat trick of traits: I'm quite intelligent, I'm highly self-aware and know my faults, and I'm very emotional. So I'm smart enough to know my faults, I'm bothered by them, and it fucks me up. To say the least, it's kind of amazing I haven't shot my brains out yet. Yet.
3) This song was the original theme of the Tom Hanks sitcom Bosom Buddies. Tom Hanks is a direct descendant of Nancy Hanks, Abraham Lincoln's mother. Is there anyone noteworthy, celebrated or infamous in your family tree?
Funnily enough, my great-grandmother was a Lincoln, but I'm not sure if there's a similar relationship.
4) Before going solo, Billy Joel was in bands called The Echoes, The Emeralds, The Hassles and Attila. What do you think would be a good name for a band?
The Pot Stirrers. I don't know. I'll tell you when I come up with a better one.
6) In 2008 Billy Joel had to return a $3,000,000 advance for his memoirs because he didn't finish them. Have you ever read a celebrity tell-all?
7) Billy Joel was in a motorcycle accident and did irreparable damage to his left thumb. Are you comfortable on a motorcycle?
8) In addition to riding cycles, Billy enjoys sailing in Oyster Bay. Do your summer plans include time on a boat?
9) Billy Joel is a popular college commencement speaker. If you were asked advice from the Class of 2014, what would you say?
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