Link up here if you're playing along today!
1) The video was shot on a street corner in Echo Park in central Los Angeles. If you saw a film crew making a video in your neighborhood, would you stop to watch? Or would you just keep walking?
Well, I would probably stop for a moment, see what was going on, and then carry on with my walking. Having been on film sets with my actress daughter, I know they can be kind of boring. I haven't met anyone super-famous yet, but the likelihood and the allure, for me, are both low at this point!
2) The singer says he remembers his girl in every dream he dreams. Do you remember if you dreamed last night?
I didn't sleep last night, but I did nap most of the evening after a stomach bug claimed much of my Friday. I don't remember dreaming anything, which is rare for me.
3) The band Train is from San Francisco. Have you ever visited The City by the Bay?
I never have, but it's definitely on the Bucket List!
4) Lead singer Pat Monahan got his start in a Led Zeppelin cover band. Can you name a Led Zeppelin song?
"Stairway to Heaven" is probably the most well-known - and my favorite - LZ tune.
5) In doing research for this week's Saturday 9, Crazy Sam discovered a publication called Trains, The Magazine of Railroading.What's the last magazine you flipped through?
The October 2014 issue of Glamour, only because I receive probably five magazines a day and that one was on top of the pile. I'm forever giving away magazines!
6) Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?
I'm really not sure. This is a question I have asked myself for about 35 years now. I used to think one had to be one or the other, but I do my own thing and don't really follow any person or trend, per se. However, I don't think of myself as having great leadership qualities, either. I'm kind of my own thing, whatever that is, I guess.
7) Scholars tell us that "To be or not to be" is Shakespeare's most quoted line. Give us another one.
"Romeo, Romeo, Wherefor art thou, Romeo?" (Or is it "wherefore?") I love Romeo and Juliet.
8) How do you listen to music on the go? Car radio? CD changer? iPod/mp3 player? Your phone?
I stream the IHeartRadio app through a LuguLake wifi speaker at home, via my Samsung Galaxy S5. In the car, I listen to the car radio unless Hubs is driving, which he can't do anymore, in which case he'd probably be using the auxiliary adapter to play his iPod music.
9) Are you a convincing liar?
I'm a terrible liar. And I have obvious "tells" that are a dead giveaway. No, I'd never make a decent poker player.
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