Halloween, 2013: Last year, we got our pumpkins at least a fortnight before the day. And they rotted. And I had to buy new ones. And those rotted.
Halloween, 2014: This year, I decided to play it "smart" and buy them the day before we needed them. Um, not so smart, because everyone was out of them. We went to Publix, Winn Dixie, and Lowes before I finally convinced my terribly disappointed children that these orange and white and green ones would make a really cool display. I wasn't lying; I do think they are cool. The kids disagreed, so I had to put up with lots of grumbling. Hey, I did my best.
Eventually, they got over their dismay and went to carving. We had a dickens of a time, though. The guts really hung tough!
Last night was Halloween. I did my best to maintain regular school lessons throughout the day, but I finally had to call "Uncle" and give in to their desires to get into costume! Sophia and Chloe wanted full makeup; here's Sophie posing with my makeup case prior to being gussied up by Yours Truly.
My three Trick-or-Treaters were, from left, the guy from Scream, a voodoo sorceress, and a witch. I tried to get Chloe to wear an actual witch's hat, but apparently she was not supposed to be that kind of witch? No broom, either.
"Give me your scariest faces, guys!"
Jack posed for exactly one individual shot before he took off to wait for darkness and thus, the candy hunt. There was still over a half-hour to kill, so the girls and I decided to do a mini photo shoot:
Sophie looking pretty in purple
She's starting to sprout a few freckles of her own, like her siblings. No doubt, baseball has something to do with that.
A rare serious face for Sophia; this kid is always animated!
Chloe, ever the perfect poser
I got those glowy things for about $0.50 at Walgreens last week. Perfect timing, because with the three of them in all black after dark, I would have lost them otherwise!
These three sillykins really cleaned up for Halloween! The candy trickled in slowly at first, but then toward the end, bam! bam! bam! They got it hand-over-fist and filled up their baskets. I guess people saw the crowd thinning and just wanted to get rid of it?
Robin, the mother of two of Sophie's baseball friends, invited us to her kids' Halloween party at their school. We went there tonight for Trunk-or-Treat. Lots of fun was had by all.
That's Robin with the silly orange hair. She's cool; I like her a lot. And they might be moving to Homestead this month! I'm stoked.
After trunk-or-treating and riding a bouncy-house slide eleventy-billion times, the kids played a mess of games and got even more candy. TOO. MUCH. CANDY!!! (for my fat arse)
There was a pizza food truck there. I was told that we had to pay with tickets at the front of the party, but then the food truck told me to pay with cash, so I paid with cash. In hindsight, I think someone was scammin' someone, there. :( The pizza was way pricy and not too good, so meh.
All in all, this was a pretty rad Hollerweenie. Good times, good times...
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