Link up here if you're joining us this weekend!
1) Are you psychic in any way?
I don't know what I believe about that sort of thing, but I will say this: I get deja vu a LOT. I dream inane, mundane conversations and things that end up really occurring the next day or soon thereafter, all the time. It's so odd.
2) Are you a good dancer?
I dance sillishly to be funny now, but I was a dancer in my kidhood, and I was apparently pretty good... That was ages ago.
3) Are you a good singer?
I am a good back-up, choir-type singer. Lead singer material, I am not, though I have always wanted to be. I had strep several times in sixth grade, and it ruined my vocal chords for good.
4) Are you a good cook?
People seem to like what I make, usually. That's good enough for me.
My brother-in-law is a chef at his own restaurant, Sycamore, in Columbia, MO. You should go; the food is excellent.
5) Are you a good artist?
Not in the fine art sense of the word, but I'm pretty good with artsy-craftsy stuff. I do believe, however, I could be a decent artist with some training.
6) Are you a good listener?
No, it's something I continually need to remind myself to do. I'm a good interrupter, a good chatterer, but listening is hard for me. #TheStruggleIsReal
7) Are you a good public speaker?
Uh, no, not at all. I do not like attention focused on me, whether it's positive or negative attention, and I have panic attacks. Crying, shaking, the whole nine. Not a good scene.
8) Are you a good babysitter?
I love babies! BAAAAABIEEEEEES!!! (I think so?)
9) Are you a good mechanic?
Not in any sense of the word!
10) Are you a good diplomat?
I try very hard to be diplomatic, fair, and tactful. Sometimes I fail, but it's important to me.
11) Are you a good employee?
I love Dilbert! ;)
I am a very good employee. My one failure is timing. I hate being late, but sometimes I am.
12) Are you a good dresser?
It's not something I really care about, so probably not.
13) Are you a good swimmer?
I'm decent, but not great. Grandma made sure that I could tread water indefinitely when I was four or five years old, though! My sister, Stacey, and I were always in the community pool when we visited her and Grandpa, and it was important to her that we could swim and tread water so we could be in the pool by ourselves if she wasn't feeling it. She watched like a hawk, though!
14) Are you a good skier?
I've never gone downhill skiing. I used to like cross-country in P.E. back in high school. We certainly had enough snow and hills in Central New York, but I didn't go out for downhill ski club. Too afraid, I think I was...
15) Are you a good gift giver?
Yes, I am! But I do appreciate appreciation in return. I recently gave a gift, and the recipient said, "Why did I get this? I wanted that!" Really? I was disgusted. Thankfully, it wasn't my own child who said that.
16) Are you a good musician?
Not really. I try, but I am pretty horrible at sightreading music. It just doesn't come naturally to me. I envy my good friend Shana's skillz, because she is a natural.
17) Are you a good comedian?
I've been told I'm funny and should do stand-up, but alas, that is like comic public speaking and... NO. Never gonna happen without drastically altering my state of consciousness.
18) Are you a good cleaner?
I am an awesome cleaner. I don't half-ass it, I clean until it's clean. However, I have 3 slobby kids (and a slobby husband), and we homeschool (and he's retired), and I do not like to waste my effort! So please don't pop in unannounced! ;)
19) Are you a good actor?
I recognize good and bad acting when I see it, and I recognize in myself that I would probably not produce the good kind.
20) Are you a good writer?
I like to think that I am, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?
I have a book or nine in me. I just can't seem to draw them out. I think I'm afraid of success more than I am of faillure. Time will tell.
Well, howdy doody, I'm at the end!
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