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The New Year's Eve Meme
In 2014, I gained:
all-new respect for my brain tumor-fighter of a husband.
I lost:
some excess baggage, in the form of "friends" who really weren't.
I stopped:
wondering when Hubs would recover.
I started:
wondering IF he would. :'(
I was hugely satisfied by:
my 20th high school reunion this past summer. I am so thrilled that I was able to go, and I had a fantastic time.
And frustrated by:
our Chihuahua puppy Paco's inability to learn to pee and poop outside, rather than in the laundry.
I am so embarrassed that I:
have such a messy house.
Once again, I:
suffered many migraines and was a frequent flyer at the local ER.
Once again, I did not:
find a suitable psychopharmacologist to help me manage my post-bariatric surgery bipolar medicine issues. :\
The biggest physical difference between me last December and this December is:
I've grown enough hair back to have had it cut several times!
The biggest psychological difference between me last December and this December is:
Oh, honey. I should write a book. Oh wait, I am.
I loved spending time:
with the people who loved spending time with me.
Why did I spend even two minutes:
working on that ill-conceived fundraiser for those unfortunately-conceived, selfish people. Ugh. What a clusterf**k.
I should have spent more time:
knitting for Stephanie's kiddo, Vinnie.
I regret buying:
into the idea that if I weigh more, I'm worth less.
I will never regret buying... even though with that money I could have:
the girls each a bicycle with my Christmas gift card from my father-in-law, though I could have bought something for myself. I got what I really wanted, anyway.
I ...way too much.
complained about stupid sh*t
I didn’t... enough.
... drove me crazy.
My dad's ultra-Conservative and über-racist views...
The most relaxing place I went was:
into Hubs' arms. Especially when we were in Playa del Carmen, Mexico! Ahhhh...
Why did I go to...
so much trouble for those people, who crapped on me in return?
The best thing I did for someone else was:
for once, keep my mouth shut and simply apologize.
The best thing I did for myself was:
realize that my migraines were generated by nerve cord damage from my last c-section, nearly a decade ago.
The best thing someone did for me was:
think of me, when least I expected anything, at all, from that person.
The one thing I’d like to do again, but do it better, was:
express my sincere condolences for someone else's loss, while not mentioning my own feelings about it whatsoever. Publicly, anyway.
Happy New Year, folks! I hope 2015 is everything you want it to be.
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