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Saturday 9: California Nights (1967)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Lesley Gore premiered this song on an episode of Batman. She played Pussycat, the protegee of Catwoman. (That explains her outfit in the video.) How many of Batman's nemeses can you name?
Probably not many: The Joker... uh... yeah. That's all I know.
2) At least five actors have played The Caped Crusader already (Adam West, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale) and Ben Affleck will play him in 2016's Batman vs. Superman. Who is your favorite Batman? (If any Batmen were inadvertently omitted, Sam apologizes.)
Michael Keaton, definitely. I don't think I've seen any of the others. I think Affleck got a bad rap for being chosen as the latest incarnation. He'll do well.
3) Unlike most superheroes, Batman doesn't have any superpowers. This Saturday, you're more fortunate. We're bestowing any superpower on you that you want. Which would you like?
That's an easy one: I want to fly. I want to soar, high and low, above land and sea. I'm always dreaming that I can.
4) Though she's singing of warm California nights, Lesley Gore was a New Yorker, born in Brooklyn and, in February of this year, dying in Manhattan. Which coast have you spent more time on, the West Coast or the East Coast?
I'm definitely and East Coast girl. I've been on the West Coast a handful of times, but it just doesn't feel right to me.
5) Not many people know that while she was making records, Lesley was also a student at Sarah Lawrence and graduated with her BA in 1968. What's something we would be surprised to know about you?
Probably nothing; I'm a fairly open book. Let's see... Knowing how vehemently anti-smoking I am, maybe it would surprise y'all to know that I have tried it two or three times. (I couldn't light it, didn't inhale properly, and generally sucked at it. This was not a disappointment.)
6) In 1967, when this song was popular, the best selling new camera in the United States was the new Polaroid Swinger. Think about the most recent photo you took. Did you use a camera, a tablet, or a phone?
I used my Nikon D5100 DSLR to take a picture of pizza. Yes, pizza. **Groan** It was for a mystery shop, though, so I had to do it. I'm going to do a photo shoot with the kids tonight during Magic Hour, though.
7) The big fashion trend of 1967 was bright tights, in shades like Hot Pink, Shock Orange and Grass Green. Tell us about something you wore when it was trendy but now you look back and think, "Oh, God, that was awful!"
Hammer pants. You know, like MC Hammer? And I wore them in neon orange, pink, black, and green. All in one pair. My sister had them, too. We matched. It was (not) awesome.
8) In 1967, drivers complained about "gas wars." The price was unpredictable and would rise and fall, day by day, as much as 30¢ per gallon. How much does it cost you to fill up your tank today?
I think it's about $2.67 down the road. I'm hoping it comes down a bit soon, but that's acceptable. Ish.
9) Random question: Are there dishes in your kitchen sink right now?
Always. Perpetually. Hey, I have three tween/teen-aged kids, three cats, a puppy, and a disabled husband. Pretty much if I don't do it, or demand it gets done, there they sit and wait!
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