Happy Easter!! Link up here if you're playing along today!
Easter Meme
1. Five Things I have A Passion For (not necessarily in any order):
a. My children
b. My husband and our marriage (you're welcome for the gratuitous additions of Chloë & Otto)
c. Food: cooking, baking, eating...
d. Fiber arts: all things yarny, knitty, and as I did here, crochet-y ;)
e. Environmentalism
2. Five Things I'd like to Learn Before I Die:
a. Another language, aside from English and Spanish
b. How to spin my own yarn from raw fibers
c. Patience in all things
d. Giving up being a control freak
e. The secret to successfully growing plants - I have the blackest thumbs ever!
3. Five Things I say A Lot:
a. "WTF?!" or "I don't know WTF you're talking about," often to Hubs, who speaks in esoteric military terms after serving 20 years in the US Navy! ;)
b. "LOL." As in, I actually say it like, "lollll." It amuses me to see my teen and tween kids roll their eyes when I do that.
c. Be "nice, kind, sweet, and loving!" is the mantra I preach to my kids, having tried over the years to instill the practice of the Golden Rule in them.
d. "Whatever." Just, whatever, dude.
e. "I love you." I say it all the time, to my kids and Hubs. ALL. The. Time.
4. Five Books and/or magazines I have Read Lately (we'll go with magazines, since books are a far reach for me lately):
a. Martha Stewart Living magazine is my favorite!!!
b. Family Fun, which I used to devour as readily as Martha Stewart's mag; I do it a little less so now that the kids are older...
c. I really like Prevention; it's easy to read, with lots of short little blurbs that I find helpful in my daily life.
d. Reader's Digest has been my old standby favorite since I found dozens of issues in my grandparents' condo as a wee lassie.
e. People is my semi-guilty pleasure, though I haven't made as much time for it lately.
5. Five Favorite Movies:
a. Grease, tied for first with:
b. Dirty Dancing
c. Finding Nemo, because I am sooo Dory; I cannot wait until Finding Dory comes out! I am SO there.
d. Ferris Bueller's Day Off is always a fun one.
e. I loooove Steel Magnolias.
6. Five Places I would like to Travel To:
a. Australia
b. Japan
c. Venezuela... and really, all over South America
d. Hawaii, since all I've seen of it is the Honolulu airport
e. The Galapagos Islands
Well, that was fun. I hope you enjoyed the visuals!
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