Today, Moday the First Day of SPRING! all five of us had reason to get in the car and drive around together. I'll get to the reason in a moment. I figured, since we were going to take a leisurely Sunday drive yesterday, which didn't come to pass, we could do a little bit of that today. And look! Not five minutes from our house, there is a Whole Paycheck Foods! YAY!
The sign made me giggle. So I snapped.
Rob likes this wall art and keeps wondering if someone has been caught trying to climb up the wall with it. Snap, snap.
I have nothing to say about this building on our left, other than I like how it's not just a box but rather different facades jutting out all over the place, thumbing its architectural nose at conforming.
We also live just minutes from the Boise Farmers Market! Yay yay yay! I love a good FM.
I don't know what this sculpture coming out of the sidewalk represents, but I thought it was pretty, pretty cool.
There are cool sculptures all over downtown Boise. I liked this leaf one, too.
World's Largest T-Rex Ever? Whaaat? Alive? I must investigate this.
There are ponds and rivers throughout Boise. One day we'll walk this one.
We'll be visiting this sometime soon too, I imagine. A pita filled with hummus, cucumbers, and sprouts? Yes please!
See that Idaho pizza sign? There are Idaho This and Idaho That signs everywhere. I don't know why I find this somewhat amusing.
Rob was all about the Car Wash with Free Vacuums. We gave our vacuum away in Miami, and or car could really use it right now! And our house. Think I could take it home?
Nothing to see here except... maybe... the mountains looming up in the distance!
See? Snow-covered peaks in the distance? Whee!
University of Idaho is here. Also Idaho State, and a handful of others. Wanna educate yourself? Boise seems to be the place in Idaho to go.
A Trader Joe's in town near us, too?! I've died and gone to grocery shopping heaven.
Today was free ice cream cone day at Dairy Queen, so of course we had to partake of that funness! Okay, so... this may or may not be the second DQ we hit up for ice cream. #IllNeverTell...
More mountains!
Chloe is wanting to do some volunteer work at a vet clinic soon, so maybe we can get here in here. It's just down the road from us.
That diner looks promising, no? For late night eats, maybe?
And food trucks! I love food trucks!
I didn't get a good shot, but that building is the Idaho Angler, the Fly Fishing Paradise or something. Rob will be there within the month, gawking and gazing, I gar-ohn-tee!
Don't look at the car dealership. Look beyond. See what it says?? "Brewer's Haven" and below that, "Cheese Making Supplies"
Say what, now? We had to go in and investigate.
And what's this I see on the sign's obverse? Oh yeah. Guess where we'll be on Wednesday evening? :D
All kinds of new and interesting beers were found in the cooler when we first entered. I was never a beer person until this last year or two. I've done a 180.
And BINGO! Cheese, Butter, & Yogurt Making? I must buy this book. And it's only $3.95!
Cheese making kits! I gotta get one eventually. These run about $25-30 and can be used for many different batches. Woot!
So here's where I should've been when I was making art with bottle caps. Duh. Why didn't I think of that?!
Even more beers in the cooler on the other side of the store. Whoa. Lots of sampling shall be done in future.
Bins upon bins upon bins of all the sorts of things a microbrewer might need.
Make Beer Not War. Yassss.
I'm all about Buying Local, y'all. So these will be the first we eventually sample. Mm-hmm.
Cute little bottle cozies. Frivolous, but ...cute.
And finally, heading home on Vista Ave, which is the area in which we live.
And finally, a couple of snaps from Miami of Sophia with her BFF, Helaina:
They traded necklaces and had their bittersweet goodbyes, but Sophia has called and Skyped with her friend a few times since we arrived in Boise. Hopefully she makes some good new friends soon.
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