Hello, fellow thieves! Link up here if you're playing along today!
First Job:
I worked as a cashier at Big M Supermarket on State Fair Blvd in Baldwinsville, New York. I LOVED that job, and my customers. We had a lot of regulars, and so I got to know them pretty well. When I graduated high school. one big lumberjack-looking dude bought me a shit-ton of lottery scratch-off tickets. It was such a sweet gesture; I didn't even care that I won nothing.
First Real Job:
Didn't I just address that? Hm. I guess you could say it was working as a Legal Secretary for James M. Brickley and associates in St. Petersburg, Florida. I was working at a Publix prior to that, while in graduate school, and Jim came through my line. He liked what he saw in me and basically hired me away from there - on the spot!
First Favorite Politician:
I may get some flak for this, but I really don't give a fecking flip: Barrack H. Obama.
First Car:
In my senior year of high school, when I still had no license, I bought a red Ford Escort Wagon. From a certain angle of the sunlight hitting it, you could see where a Coca-Cola emblem had been emblazoned on the sides, despite our being told it belonged to one owner: a sweet, little old lady. Humph. I didn't even get to HAVE that car or take it with me to college or anything. My dad kept it - after I spent over a grand on it back in 1993 - and sold it after he didn't change its oil and the engine seized up. I never saw a dime of that money, either. I may be a little bitter about it. ;)
First Record/CD:
I believe it was these frauds: Milli Vanilli! I don't/didn't really care, either; I still like the music! hahaha
First Sport Played:
I am neither graceful nor athletic, but I turned out to be a pretty good dancer when I took tap, jazz, and ballet. I wish I'd continued.
First Concert:
Whitney Houston, at the NY State Fair, circa 1986? I miss her; but I miss her as clean and healthy.
First Foreign Country Visited:
Oh, Canada! We went to Niagara Falls (both sides), Toronto, and Ottawa. All on different trips, when I was a youngster.
First Favorite TV Show:
Perfect Strangers! Co-sin Larry Applaton! haha
First Favorite Actor:
Matt Dillon, from The Outsiders
First Favorite Actress:
Phoebe Cates in Gremlins and so many other films of that era
First Boyfriend:
Ken, who turned out to possess a high degree of asshattery.
First Encounter with a Famous Person:
Dave Barry - First and Only
First Brush With Death:
My first real brush with death was a birth, when I had a serious congenital heart defect that was supposed to require surgery, but my parents opted out of that. Another time, I was hit by a drunk driver on my way back to college in Miami. Third time was my emergency slice-and-dice C-section with my firstborn. That was the most traumatic of the three, by far!
First House/Condo Owned:
This little townhouse with the bay window, in Virginia Beach, Virginia - first and only. Maybe one day there'll be another purchase. Who knows...?
First Film Seen:
The first flick I can remember seeing was E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial, at the drive-in movie theater.
First Favorite Recording Artist:
Vintage Madonna
First Favorite Radio Station:
93Q - the Top 40 Hits radio station we (my sisters and I) all listened to
First Book I Remember Reading:
It was a Dick and Jane reader in school; I know I read earlier than that, but what it was, I've no clue.
Well, unless you count Richard Scarry picture books...
First Meme You Answered on Your Blog:
I used to participate in a weekly meme, when I first started this blog ten years ago, called "Works For Me Wednesday." Do any of you remember WFMW? I don't know what I posted first on it, but one was supposed to post a tip, or in today's lingo, a "hack" that might help other bloggers. Obviously, I became wicked famous as a result. heh.
That was enjoyable! I hope you had a big time here. See you soon!
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