Well. Except the chickens. The chickens want to be fed. The sun was up, after all, and roosters and hennies do not keep quiet.
Foraging while impatiently waiting for their Christmas breakfast
Ahh, Chloë to the rescue with Fine Dining First Course: Leftover noodles
Look at them. She's got it, they want it. She's like the damned Pied Piper of Hungry Chickens.
Also, which of you kids left the %^&* hose out?!!
Fine Dining Main Course is out: cooked beans, good for a little protein and fat for cold, hungry birdies.
{And don't judge; we just ran out of our usual 'spensive oranic [chicken] layer feed. Nobody told me we were getting low. It's Christmas and our feed stores are closed. And it's not bad for them. So :P}
Twenty feathered dinosaurs, all in a row...
A few chickees started foraging again, and Chloë still had beans for them, so she pulled out her trump card: She started singing the "Happy Birthday" song, which is our associative cue to the chickens to come to us. We sing it when we feed them and they're coming running, so even when we're not feeding them, if we sing it, they come running. #BecausePsychology
Watch how it works.
And here they come! PFM: Pure F*****g Magic!
{Tin Type is my favourite editing effect of the moment.}
Oh, what'd you say? You want a little more? I got you.
Hard to believe how quickly our chicks, hatched September 4th, have grown into big, beautiful chickens! sniff
Well, Merry Christmas, y'all! Now I gotta get back to editing my hyoomin photos! ;)
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