Welcome back, kids of all ages! I slept well past noon today, thanks to everyone else being out at various things and not waking me up, and also thanks to my new Parkinson's medicine knocking me the F--- out as well. 😴😴 I've only been up an hour, in fact, so my day (Saturday's) just beginning. I feel like, out of all of you and me... that makes one of us.
Link up here if you'd like to write a fun meme about aesthetics with the rest of us this week. Thanks, Bev, for sending it through the Interwebs!
When did you last sing to yourself?
Before Hubs and Sophia came home from her showjumping lesson a few minutes ago, I was belting out "The Schuyler Sisters" from the epic Broadway musical Hamilton. Work, work!
If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about anything, what would you want to know?
I guess I'd want to know if I'm ever going to recover from the conglomerate of 20+ autoimmune diseases I've been diagnosed with in the last 45 or so months.
What is the greatest accomplishment of your life?
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
My husband and kiddos - #18YearsStrong!
What is the first happy memory that comes to mind, recent or otherwise?
Eloping with Robert Allen Odette 18+ years ago was the most joyful thing I've ever done in my entire life, and to think about it, no matter how often I think about it, brings me a rush of pure joy all over again. The Law of Diminishing Returns definitely does not apply to this situation.
♥ ♥ ♥(If you're interested in any colourful lovey-dovey art by Romero Britto art, perhaps start here...)
If you knew that in one year you would die suddenly, would you change anything about the way you are now living?
I'd worry even less about stuff, even more about making memories with my loved ones. Incidentally, these are part of the Valentines the kids made for each other and us parents. Still a work in progress, but I love the results thus far!
Do you feel you had a happy childhood?
Absolutely, most definitely, NOT.
Would you ever have a deep conversation with a stranger and open up to them?
OMG yes, all the time! It's weird, since I'm such an introvert, but when someone gets me to talking, I get to talking!
What would you title the autobiography of your life so far?
It's actually a book I'm writing, and it's a work in progress, so maybe for right now... A Work in Progress??
How do you feel about tattoos and piercings? Explain.
Well, since I've got multiple ear piercings including a trio in each lobe, the left cuff, the right tragus, my right nostril, my septum... and more being considered for down the road, I guess that explains how I feel about piercings. They don't bother me, although I would never do my tongue (too many infections! too much interference with singing and speaking!) or my eyebrow (mostly because OUCH!).
As for tattoos...
they're fine for other people who want them, I really don't care - in fact, we allowed our then-16-year-old Chloë get a Deathly Hallows tattoo (from the Harry Potter books, for the uninitiated among you) - but I've thought a good long time about whether to get one for myself. Still, the answer is no, but that's because it's permanent and that means it has to be PERFECT. I'd want it to represent my kids and also something very personal to me, like the ocean. So we'll see.
Do you wear a lot of makeup? Why or why not?
Sometimes I do, like here the other day, just because I have a lot of makeup - a lot of Jafra, mostly Young Living Savvy Minerals (which is everything that I've got on in this pic), but I'm starting to think about getting into the very $$$ BeautyCounter everything-free cosmetics... maybe? Have any of you used them and can recommend?
But most days, like here, I just wear mascara so my eyes stand out a little bit from the rest of my face. It's weird, but much of my lashes are blonde, so I need to give them a little colour.
The world is listening. Pick one sentence you would tell them.
If you are doing nothing to do your part for the planet, then you are doing literally nothing important.
Who in the world would you most like to receive a letter from and what would you want it to say?
"Dear Melanie, It's Michelle Obama. I'm officially running for President, because I am guaranteed to defeat the current false "President" if he runs for a second term - and another other right-wing nutjob - and I want you to be part of my team! ♥ MO"
(Hey, we have the same initials; it's kismet!) 😂😂
Do you have a desk/workspace and how is it organised/not organised?
This is what it looks like right this second, but it's a constant, constant battle to get and keep things organized!
What’s your starbucks order, and who would you trust to order for you, if anyone?
I trust Me, Myself, and I to order myself a Venti Java Chip Frappuccino with coconut milk, no whipped cream, and no chocolate or caramel drizzle. ☕️😋😉
What is the most important thing to you in your life right now?
Well, first of all see #3 about "greatest accomplishments," but other than those guys, it would be buying a house. I'm beyond eager to start the process... which we have, but we're mostly keeping it under wraps. I hope, and pray, and yearn for it all to fall properly into place!
So that's that, for now. I hope y'all are having a splendid weekend that only gets more so as the hours progress. See y'all soon!
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