Howdy do, neighbors. I've made it out of bed today, just before 1400, but that's not what counts. It took a lot of effort. If my bladder didn't make it imperative, I might still be in bed. But I digress.
I finished watching the Season 4 of Netflix's Queer Eye, and now I'm bereft as hell. I literally found myself looking through all the episodes from all the seasons, trying to see if I'd missed one. I hadn't. Boo! 😭😭
But moving along with life. Make sure you link up here if you're joining us this weekend!
These are from Love Me Some Surveys.
a. Has anyone ever made fun of your taste in music?
Of course! His taste in music runs with the likes of Bob Dylan, right?
And this is more my frequency. (Also, that was some shady shit, Whit.)
Ya dig?
b. Is anyone’s birthday coming up?
Yep. This boy, Robert Allen O, will be 47 in six days!!! 😳🤭🎂🎂 Happy early birthday, baby!
But that's not all! A week after that, the curly girlie on the left, Chloë Raine O, will be 18! 🎂🎂
I cannot even handle that, y'all! I just cannot.
But wait, there's more! Her mother, the lady on the right (that's me!) is turning 43 (ughhhh) one day later. (Why can no one ever remember it's 9/8/76? Easiest birth date ever, y'all!)
So yup. It's birthday season 'round here!
c. Do you remember who you liked in grade eight?
Yup. M was a cutie! He still is... but that picture there is 11 years old. Nowadays, what hair is left is mostly just stubble. Still a cutie. Whatever.
d. When was the last time you burned any part of your body?
Y'all may remember? I blogged about it back then, in January 2017. I had never cooked a real steak in my life (because making cube steaks for the dogz in my single days totally does not count, you guys), and I have not eaten beef since August 1995. No plans to restart. But my boy likes steak, so for our 15th anniversary, I thought I'd make him a proper one.
It did not go the way I planned, the HOT! oil splattered, and I ended up in the ER instead. In fact, I went in by myself so he could eat his steak, because I refused to ruin his steak dinner any further. 🤣 No lie, mesdames.
Anyway, 2½ years later, right now, it looks like this:
Honestly, and I would not lie to you for one moment: it did not hurt. It did not hurt one bit, and the scarring isn't bad, is it? Truth: I used a shit-ton of straight Young Living lavender oil on that burn, raw, open, and errrrythang. Like, the whooooole bottle. Because lavender is used in burn salves, and you know what? That shit worked. And then, when it was all closed up, I used Jafra Royal Jelly to heal the skin.
Not bad. Not too bad at all. I'd do it again.
e. If I gave you ten dollars, what would you spend it on?
Gas. Seriously. I love our new house. Not gonna lie. Love, love, love our house. But all of my doctors are in Boise, so we're hurting for gas money constantly nowadays. Kinda sucks. Sometimes I have to cancel the week's worth of my appointments - and there are many - because there just isn't any gas to get out there. And then I get angry letters in the mail about my canceled appointments. Really?! Are you putting gas in my tank?
It's hard. I keep re-budgeting and re-budgeting, but when you're two disabled folks living on a retired enlisted veteran's pension... it's a challenge.
f. What are you most excited about right now?
I'm excited to see what comes next for the adult version of Chloë. I know great things are in her future!
g. Does / did either of your parents serve in the military?
My p---y-@$$ sperm donor was in the CG for five or six minutes. He thought because he was "smart" (truth is, he only thinks he's smart, and this is from someone who actually is), he'd be able to get one of his superiors to set him up in OCS. Instead, he swabbed poop deck after poop deck and probably cried about it - literally - the whole time. How long was he in? One blink? Two blinks? Not long. Meanwhile, he tries to square up with my husband, who did 20 full years, some during wartime in the Middle East, in the Navy. And with my beloved grandfather (my mom's dad, mind you), who served in the Navy during WWII in Europe. And my uncle (mom's brother) who served in the Navy. And my FIL, who was a submariner in the Navy during the Cold War. You know? Dad. Ya weren't shit then. You aren't shit now. And ya ain't never gonna be shit.
h. Are you somewhat of a perfectionist?
Oh, yeah. You could say that. It's taking me years, and it will continue to take many more, but I am trying to learn to accept good enough when that's all I need. It's hard going teaching Chloë this, as well.
f. Do you like sour candy?
I don't mind it now and then, but I swear it's like one of the major food groups for my kiddos!
g. Are all nighters something you have grown used to?
I have pretty erratic sleeping habits, so yeah, I've grown accustomed to it.
h. Do you usually wear sunglasses when you’re driving?
I wear 'em whenever I need 'em.
i. Do you wear your shoes around the house?
Since I have virtually no immune system, and the next major infection could very well be my last, I try very hard to enforce our strict "no shoes" policy.
j. What clothes are you most comfortable in?
What this woman has on, I could live in. Now I want it!
k. Are you good at painting nails?
I have no special skills. My sister's a pro, though.
j. Smoothies or slushies?
I'm impartial, as long as the slushy contains real fruit and, if must be, a non-sugar sweetener, or if the smoothie contains almond or coconut milk or similar dairy substitute. I'm not being picky. I'm just allergic to life!
Thanks for another fun questionnario, Bev! Hope you all have a great last week of August 2019. Maaaaaan, this year has flown by!
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