Welcome back! Look who's being a team player and coming back two whole days in a row? You're welcome, you're welcome. Shucks.
1 If you could spend a day in someone else’s shoes who would it be and why?
Hmm. Maybe Jennifer Aniston? I don't know. I mean, look at her - rockin' body, gorgeous otherwise, rich and famous, influential, talented... what's not to love? (But she doesn't have a two decade-long marriage and a passel of amazing kids, so in the end I'd rather be me!)
2 Which celebrity gets on your nerves the most, and why?
Easily these two. Do I really need to explain that?
3 If you were going to bury a time capsule, what would you put in it?
Today's newspaper, a letter to my future self, artifacts that represent me and that represent our Idaho town, and pictures of all of us including our pets.
4 What is your saddest memory?
It's a tie between being a bereaved child when my mama died, and a bereaved mum when my son died.
5 Would you rather be in your pajamas or a suit all day?
You didn't say what kind of suit!
6 What’s the strangest place you’ve ever gone potty?
On those reefs somewhere, around the Dry Tortugas, I was doing a reef study when I suddenly got hit with a violently upset stomach. I was snorkling at the time. Ugh.
7 How old were you went you had your first kiss?
Five. Back of the school bus. His name was Matthew Buffalo.
8 Do you have any strange or unique phobias?
Mustard. It's so scary.
9 If you could bring back one toy from your childhood, what would it be?
I loved my Pound Puppies!!
10 If you could be any Disney villain, which would you be?
I'd be Ursula from Little Mermaid. At least she got to live in the sea!
11 If your life was a novel, what would the title be?#
Actually, it is a work in progress - I have the first chapter done! But I'm not yet ready to divulge the name.
12 What do you need more of in your life?
13 What are your top 3 quotes?
I'm a big fan of Abe Lincoln.
4 What do you want people to remember about you?
I'm an empath. I care and care and care some more.
15 What’s the biggest mistake you’ve made?
I gave away far too much of my power for far too many years. Now I am learning that it's okay for me to take it back.
♥ Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there! I've gotta spend some time lovin' on the one who made me a mom! ♥
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