Saturday 9: Cardigan, by Taylor Swift
Well hello there, S9 family! It's been a while, you could say. Months, and months, and again more months, and months. Actually, we just got into our house on August 13th. It took so long that I just kind of shut down after a while, mentally and physically, so that's why I took such a long break from things here and elsewhere after a while, until now. I'm just now getting back to life, and it feels quite nice!
So I'm just going to get into it! I do hope you are all safe and well!
Saturday 9: Cardigan (2020)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) When she's feeling low, Taylor Swift compares herself to an old cardigan, forgotten under the bed. Do you store anything under your bed? Or do you try to keep that area clear (except for dust bunnies)?
We don't have our new bed set up yet (well, because the headboard hasn't arrived), but I generally do not store anything under my half of the bed. I'm kind of an out of sight, out of mind type. My husband, on the other hand, will put anything and everything under there (including my things!), extending past his half of our king-size bed, often. So I think I'm going to invest in some under-bed storage ideas for him.
2) The lyrics begin with a reference to a new phone. Do you foresee yourself getting a new phone before 2021 ends? Or are you happy with the one you've got?
Arghhhh. I already did, very recently. My Samsung Galaxy S20 recently just stopped working - completely - so Hubs and I decided I should get the S21. I did NOT want to. I was extremely resistant; my S20 was only a year old, for Pete's sake! I had tons of data on it (and the micro SD card within, and on the cloud), and I was still getting to know its capabilities. So I wasn't happy to have to switch it out. I suppose I could've just made a lateral move, but Hubs encouraged the upgrade, so I took the damn upgrade. LOL.
3) She sings that her lover haunts all of her "what if's." Have you recently wondered, "what if?" What were you musing about?
I have been musing, yeah. You know, I lament having had to leave Florida for the various reasons I/we did, but look at the political climate and utter chaos and nonsense going on there now. Even in Miami, geez! And then Idaho... Boise was okay, but then bought the house out in the middle of Nowheresville, an hour away, and that sealed the deal. I had to go. And look, now all the anti-trans & anti-LGBT bills, and anti-womens' healthcare and everything else, shocking no one since... it's Idaho. So while I regret fleeing the state for Maryland so quickly and without much of a plan, I sort of... don't. What if I hadn't?
4) Taylor Swift admits that she rewinds after concerts by watching Friends reruns. What do you do to relax?
Well, I really, really want to be doing a lot of work around the house, fixing it up, decorating and furnishing, painting, etc. and I am dying to start knitting again at night to relax, but my shoulder is constantly, painfully dislocated these days (including right now). I'm having shoulder in a few weeks. I might do a little knitting anyway, but it'll frustrate me if I get started only to have to stop! So I've basically been just on my phone a lot, with a million different apps open (like my mind works), with 90 alternative things going at once.
5) Thinking of TV shows, Taylor appeared on a 2009 episode of CSI. That series was about crime-scene investigators who use forensics to solve murders. Do you enjoy crime shows?
I do! I love Dexter, in fact. I'm so excited it's back this year, though I haven't watched it yet. Must start soon! (I don't think our TV is unpacked yet, though!)
6) Taylor grew up on an 11-acre tree farm where she learned to ride. Her mother was a horsewoman and hoped riding was a passion they could share. When she was 12, Taylor admitted to her mother that she really wasn't that into it and wished she could spend more time on her music. Her mother was supportive. Tell us about a tough conversation you've had that turned out well.
Our youngest child, Sophia, is an equestrian, too. But first and foremost, she is a horse lover. And she recently had a talk with me, wherein she said she wanted to step back from taking English riding lessons and wanted to just do some casual trailriding instead. Why? Because she doesn't agree with the use of spurs, whips, and crops, digging one's heels into the horse's ribs to make them go, and so on. And yes, I completely support that. (Though I will miss seeing her jump!)
7) She enjoys good, old-fashioned mysteries, especially those by Agatha Christie. Are you currently reading a book?
Yes, I've got the Kindle e-book version (not audio as pictured) of A Conspiracy of Mothers by Colleen van Niekerk about varoius ways mothers are protecting their children during apartheid in South Africa, and it's a great read. It was one of the free First Reads choices for September, and I'm really enjoying it.
8) In 2020, the year this song was released, Jeopardy host Alex Trebek died. The search for a new host has caused interest and even controversy. Would you enjoy the job?
No, I definitely wouldn't, for many reasons but especially because I could never begin to fill Alex's shoes.
9) Random question: Of Superman's three superpowers -- tremendous strength, the ability to fly, and x-ray vision -- which would you choose?
I've always wanted to fly. Ten times out of 10, that is what I'd choose!
It's great to be back. I've missed y'all! Have a great weekend.
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