Hey kids of all ages, what's the haps? My body, right now, is giving me the evil eye, but I'm going to have rally by tomorrow afternoon when it's time to attend Pride Salisbury with my two LGBTQIA+ kiddos (and whomever else wants to come). I'm already exhausted. There's supposed to be a luau a few towns over tonight (unrelated to Pride), and I have always hada a luau on my Bucket List, but if it's not in Hawai'i, does it really count?
Phew, that was a lot of words! Join the rest of S9ers right here!
I just heard that the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and I am crushed and also furious.
Will there come a day when they will rue the destructionn of Roe?
Saturday 9: Better Now (2018)Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Post Malone tries to assure his ex that he's better now ... but he's not. He's still hurting. Have you recently told someone you were fine when you weren't?
Of course. All the time. I had a procedure on Wednesday - no, Tuesday - and the anesthesiologist came over and was like, "Wow! You have a number of significant disease processes going on! Did you know that blahblahblah about your mast cells is--" and I'd interrupt him and go, "Yes, I have a doctor who is an expert in mast cells at Johns Hopkins," and so on. But that is my life. For each new diagnosis, Hubs turns to me and says, "Can you please try not to have everything??" So I try not to constantly bring up all these things and be a general pain in the ass about it, unless something is NEW-new or someone asks me about it.
Now, I know that wasn't exactly the intent of this question, but yes to that, too.
2) He and his girl were so close he introduced her to his extended family, and now his aunts and uncles wonder where she's gone. Have you remained close to an ex's friends/family?
Nah. I mean, I'm on friendly terms with one or two, but I don't hang out with their families or anything. I don't think it's appropriate.
3) He sings that he never meant to let her down. What about you? Have you recently encountered anything -- big or small -- that didn't live up to your expectations?
I mean, yes? No? Lots? Everything? Nothing? Too much too list, too little that counts, so here are a few cute fotos of my puppo, Paco, scooting around on the heating pad. See? All better. #DogPeen
4) Post recently announced he will soon become a father for the first time. Do you know anyone who is currently expecting a baby?
I couldn't thinking of a single person, so I went through my FB friends' list before I said "no" live on the interwebs and a close, pregnant friend read it! Could you imagine! Anyway, still no, but now I've shaved a bunch of people I never talk to and don't really know off that ol' list.
5) Before making it big as a musician, he supported himself as a wedding DJ. Think back to the last wedding you attended. Did they have a live band or a DJ?
Umm, it was a DJ. But it was not, I can confirm, Postie. Darn!
6) Not satisfied being a successful musician, Post has branched out and introduced his own rosé wine, Maison No. 9. Will you replenish your beer/wine/spirits this weekend?
I think there's already beer in the fridge for Rob, but nothing for me, please. I've proven to be allergic (to have those mast cell activation reactions, as above) to spirits - especially to red wines and rosés. Ah, wellll.
7) Post Malone has more than 70 different tattoos. He designs them himself and is so into ink that he has tattooed his friends. Would you trust a friend or relative to do your body art (tattoo or piercing)? Or would you go to a licensed professional?
Welp, it's no secret that I like my piercings - no ink, though - but only a licensed professional for me, please!
8) In 2018, when this song was popular, Sears filed for bankruptcy. In the 1970s, Sears was known as the place "Where America Shops." As of 2021, there were only 23 Sears stores left. Did you ever shop at Sears, either at the store or through the catalog?
I'm sure my parents, and step-thing, must've shopped through the Sears catalog when I was a dinky little kid, and I know they shopped in the store when I was an older kid. (Mostly they seemed to shop at a place called Service Merchandise?) I shopped kind-of a lot at Sears, but more at Kohls, I think.
9) Random question: What's your favorite way to spend an evening at home alone?
Well, I spend a lot of time on the Paper Hugs committee for Mama Dragons, discussed here by Upworthy. Did you catch that? We were #ReportedByUpworthy! That was really exciting for all 8,000+ of us, especially those of us on the Paper Hugs team. So to answer the question, I spend many an evening giving each and every Dragon - be it Mama or Baby - my love and heart.
And now, I must make some Hugs and get ready for Salisbury Pride! Have a great weekend, y'all!
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