Good morning, everyone! At least, it'll be morning here for just a little while longer, but I won't finish before noon.
I love this song. It'll be in my head all day now. I'm fine with that. Playing along? Make sure to link up here.
Let's get to finding out what Crazy Sam has to say about it this week:
Saturday 9: Beautiful Boy (1980)
This song was chosen in honor of Father's Day. Hear it here.
1) Paul McCartney has said that "Beautiful Boy" is one of his favorite John Lennon solo songs. What's yours? (This link will take you to his greatest hits.)
2) Lennon wrote this for his son, Sean. Father and son share an October 9 birthday. Does anyone in your life share your birthday?'
Damn near. Here's Chloë on her 21st birthday in the shirt she and I made for the occasion. We made one for me, too, which was exactly the same but said "Too!" underneath, for my birthday the next day. I couldn't get those pictures, so you get this glorious one instead. 🙄
**Shoot! Neither one of these pictures worked, either! What the deuce! Well, here's a link to a picture, if not the pictures above themselves, so you can see what I mean. Sorry for the wild goose chase.
3) John asks Sean to take his hand before they cross the street. Name another song that references holding hands.
The first thing that popped in my head was from the 3rd verse of Elvis Presley singing "Can't Help Falling in Love": ♫♪ "Take my hand, take my whole life, too." ♪♫
Does that fit; is that acceptable?
4) Today Sean Lennon is in his late 40s. He lives in Greenwich Village, creating art and music from his elaborate home-based music and film studio. Are you into the latest in electronics?
I don't about the "latest," but we do have a lot of gadgets. I'm counting... 5 Samsung Galaxy phones (including 2 that are the latest model), 3 Samsung Galaxy tablets, 2 laptops including 1 HP, 2 desktop PCs including a gaming one, 2 large HD TVs, a smart home that does a bunch of cool stuff... okay so yeah, I'm thinking my answer to this one should probably be yes.
5) In Thailand, Father's Day is observed on the birthday of the current King. Are you celebrating any birthdays this month?
Only in memoriam; my beloved grandpa would've been 97 on June 18th. so on actual Father's Day this year. He was the greatest guy. Loved him so much.
6) Crazy Sam vividly remembers her long-ago high school days when her father gave her driving lessons. Do you consider yourself a good driver?
I think I'm pretty decent, yeah. Better than my husband, IMO! Seems like our car insurance agrees...
7) Sam's dad is a stickler about car maintenance and reminds Sam to change her air filter regularly so her a/c and heater can run efficiently. Share a car maintenance tip.
Hubs, here, shared this tip for me: Check your tire pressure regularly to ensure they're properly inflated, in order to achieve proper wear & tear and the optimal mileage for your car.
8) When he fills up the car, Sam's father also stocks up on his favorite candy: Life Savers. He always has a bag in the glove compartment. What's something you don't leave home without?
There are many, MANY things from Grove (<---referral link) that we don't leave from home without, even on a short road trip, but I literally am never without this Rooted Beauty Soothing Lip Balm from them. I order it every single month, so I can have a stock. LOL. I literally have one for my night stand, my dresser drawer, my purse, my desk, and a couple more places I can't think of right now. Oh! Laptop bag... Anyway, it's GOTTA join us.
9) Random Question: How long can you go without checking your phone?
It's not an easy task for me, that's for sure! I can go from sleep to wake-up, how 'bout that? After that, the stretches are few and far between, haha. I do love my tech.
Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there, all the soon-to-be dads, the trying-to-be dads, the no-longer-trying dads♥, the foster dads, those who've assumed the role of dad where there was no one, and every other guy who stepped up in a dad-like position, And grandpas, you count!
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